Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1

Chapter  1                                                             

Introducing Yourself

            Self-identity is the quality that makes a person or thing different from others. To make people know about self-identity, we should do self-introduction. This is the social function of self-identity.

1.Asking for information about self-identity

  • May i know your name?
  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live?
  • What do you do?
  • What is your hobby?
  • Etc.

2. Giving information about self-identity

  • Hello, allow me to introduce my self! My name is....
  • Let me introduce my self. My name is...
  • Hello, my name is...
  • Hi, i’m Lutfi
  • Etc.

When we do self-introduction to many people, use the following structure!

  1. Starting to mention your name clearly.
  2. Telling where you are from..
  3. Telling your background
  4. Sharing personal details.

           In self-introduction, we can also tell about our family. The following are some expressions used to ask for and give information about family relation.

  • What is your father’s name?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you live with your parents?
  • What is your mother’s profession?
  • Etc.

Chapter  2                                                             

Congratulations You Are Great!

            Saying congratulation is one of the best ways to let a person know that you are proud of him/her. If you cannot say it clearly, send them a greating card.

            The following are some expressions of congratulation.

  • May we congratulate you on..
  • I must congratulate yopu on...
  • I congratulate you on..
  • Good luck
  • Happy new year

We can use the following responses

  • Thank you very much
  • That is very kind of you
  • Oh, not really
  • How nice of you to say so

Structure of giving compliment:

What a + adjective + noun

            What + Noun phrase

How + adjective + S + be

Chapter 3                                                              

What Are You Going To Do?

            An intention is idea that you plan to carry out. A plan is arrangement for doing something considered is advance. If we want to do something, it means we have an aim, a plan, an intention or a reason. These are some ways to ask for intention or plan.

  • What is your plan?
  • What are you going to do?
  • What will you do?

The following are main expressions of exprssing intention.

  • I will...
  • I am going to...
  • I would like to...
  • I would rather... than ...

Chapter  4                                                             

Where Is Your Best Vacation?

            A desciptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.

            General structure:

  • Identification
    It identifies the place to be described
  • Description
    It describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described

Chapter  5                                                             

Let’s Visit Another Country

            When we describe a tourist destination, we discuss about a descriptive text. A describtive text consistof three part. They are

  • Introductory paragraph
  • Supporting paragraph
  • Concluding paragraph

In descriptive text, some tome we can see passive sentences or passive voice. Look at the following exemple!

Active voice    à the visitors can buy the tickets in the entance area.

Passive voice   à the ticket can be bought  in the entrance area

            Passive Voice : Be + Verb 3

Chapter  5                                                             

Let’s Visit Another Country

            When we describe a tourist destination, we discuss about a descriptive text. A describtive text consistof three part. They are

  • Introductory paragraph
  • Supporting paragraph
  • Concluding paragraph

In descriptive text, some tome we can see passive sentences or passive voice. Look at the following exemple!

Active voice    à the visitors can buy the tickets in the entance area.

Passive voice   à the ticket can be bought  in the entrance area

            Passive Voice : Be + Verb 3

Chapter  6                                                             

School Announcement

            An announcement is a public statement, containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen.

There are many purposes of announcement, such as to inform, to invite, to ask the readers to do something There are many kinds of announcement, such as lost child, discount,  a sale.

The stucture of announcement  conists of:

  • Opening
  • Contents
  • Closing

Language featers of announcement:

  • Mostly use imperative sentence and simple present tense
  • Sometimes use passive voice
  • Mention date, time, and place.

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